Have a read of this article; for further reading get yourself a copy of "Gung Ho" by Ken Blanchard & Co. In it he talks about E = MC2 (Enthusiasm = Mission x Cash & Congratulations). Money is rarely the top motivator.
This article is from leading with trust; You might also want to read "Putting the One Minute Manager To Work" an excellent sequel to "the One Minute Manage!" which looks at performance management in a similar way, using the mnemonic PRICE:
Pinpoint Record Involve Coach Evaluate Having been a world champion bodybuilder Arnie then told his agent he would become a world famous movie star. I bet his agent thought he was mad but Arnie had a plan. Here are his 6 steps to success. Some people use metaphors naturally but you can learn to use and be more effective as a leader. Click here.
Hi, I've added a new Resource Page with some useful stuff such as a calculator, currency converter, google search etc. To access click on Resource Page or hover over Toolbok tab and the Resource Page tab will drop down. If you have some suggestions about what you would like the contact me here. Enjoy!
Another free book from Bookboon - download your free copy here. This book offers practical insights into teams and teamworking. Enjoy!
Read Raving Fans for further research. Click here to read article.
Funny video, serious message - worth a look!!