Welcome to Magic 8 Manager a site designed to help you become a better manager by having access to concepts, examples, stories and processes all in one place.
Why Magic 8? Well it occurred to me a while ago that 8 really is the magic number when it comes to being a really good manager.
A Magic 8 manager:
- knows how to commmunic8
- is able to motiv8
- lets you know how much they appreci8 you
- knows how to collabor8 with others to build success
- looks forward and anticip8s potential problems
Poor managers procrastin8 over their work, ber8 people when it might not be their fault and stagn8 growth.
So enjoy this site, I'll keep adding stuff including my recomendations of other sites that will help you become a better manager.
I have added two management concepts, simple, for whenever you need to bring your management skills back to reality and simultaneous equations, management formulas to use together. Take the Managing or Doing Test. You'll also see toolbox which is full of models and ideas for you to use. I will keep adding to these but please support me by sending .your tools for me to add. Contact me here. Finally I have added links to other management sites I have used before and I'll be updating the blog on a regular basis.
Why Magic 8? Well it occurred to me a while ago that 8 really is the magic number when it comes to being a really good manager.
A Magic 8 manager:
- knows how to commmunic8
- is able to motiv8
- lets you know how much they appreci8 you
- knows how to collabor8 with others to build success
- looks forward and anticip8s potential problems
Poor managers procrastin8 over their work, ber8 people when it might not be their fault and stagn8 growth.
So enjoy this site, I'll keep adding stuff including my recomendations of other sites that will help you become a better manager.
I have added two management concepts, simple, for whenever you need to bring your management skills back to reality and simultaneous equations, management formulas to use together. Take the Managing or Doing Test. You'll also see toolbox which is full of models and ideas for you to use. I will keep adding to these but please support me by sending .your tools for me to add. Contact me here. Finally I have added links to other management sites I have used before and I'll be updating the blog on a regular basis.