Great article from Thin Difference. At line management think about Demands, Constraints & Choices. It's a great way to think out the arguments for your team! If the business demands it, don't debate the choice!!
Found this on Richard Branson's site. Enjoy!
Some great advice from Mayoclinic. Click here to get your time management in great shape.
Most companies have an annual review process to look back at last year. Use consultative planning to make sure it is fully inter actional and your staff member is doing the talking!
Found this article "7 Key Habits of Super Networkers" - Read it Here.
Self confidence is an important trait for a successful manager; click here for help & information to help you build yours.
I went shopping today - for a new suit and a new shower. In the 3 shops I went into not one assistant approached me, not even to ask the dreaded "can I help you". I walked out of two shops (Debenhams and Homebase) angry that "sales" staff were stood around or worse , seated and having a chat with each other!!! I was looking to spend maybe £300 - £400 today but came home unhappy. If you're a store manager its your job to get on the floor and coach and support your team to meet your sales targets. Want to make it fun? Here are some Retail Selling Tips you can start work on tomorrow!
Interesting article from The Daily Muse. Read it here.